Monday, November 10, 2008

Arthur Russell - 'Love is Overtaking Me'

What we have here is yet another in the recent series of Arthur Russell compilations. Following "First Thought, Best Thought" (which may be my personal favorite of the post-humous Russell releases), "Love is Overtaking Me" showcases a lesser-known and heard sound.
This is an Arthur Russell as seen in a very different mindset. Not so much production. Not so much in complexity of songwriting. But, this is definitely still the same dude.

The four songs I've posted are a decent reflection of "Love..." "Hey!" How Does Everybody Know" is one of the catchiest songs I've heard in a while. "Goodbye Old Paint" is kinda creepy in it's meandering-accompaniment floating around in the background. "Eli" is incredible just because it's about a guy and his love for the mutt he owns and everyone tells he should get rid of...

Find my sample of the album here.

Finally, be on the look out for the new documentary coming out in the next couple weeks:


-p.s. - Listen to how Russell tries to sound like Cat Stevens. It's almost as strange as Lou Reed ripping off Dylan back in the day.

-p.p.s. - Seriously check out "First Though, Best Thought," it's fucking good.

1 comment:

JP bokusa said...

Arthur Russell is el primo maestro, and this one is definitely a pleasant surprise - there's a subtly to his work that never calls attention to itself which is why it might seem so personal.
This is great! Thanks for posting!