Tuesday, July 13, 2010

R.I.P. Harvey Pekar


dera frances white said...

no! i had no idea...

A Question of Degree said...

I know! I'm not surprised by the low level of coverage, but I don't really know that word has circulated about it. He lived a lot longer than I would have wagered—70 years old with bouts of cancer.

dera frances white said...

... and a general moldiness. (but wasn't that part of his appeal?) i usually hate emoticons, but...


Pop Tatari said...

eh!? Its a wonder why this wouldn't be more heavily reported. From my own understanding he didn't seem to have much concern over his own public image, so he might be relegated to the fringe artist status, which is unfortunate.

Thanks for posting this, don't know if I would have heard about this anytime soon