Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I don't know if watching this was mandatory for freshman at all colleges, but this is one of the most significant film/video memories I've kept with me over the years from ACA. (Other than William Wegman's fondling of his weimaraner video.) 18 years old, sitting in a cold dark video screening room, and having no idea what kind of satisfaction awaited me, I watched one American suited archetype after another stutter and slur. It was the start of a long and ugly bout of "the Noam Chomsky disorder". I knew it all, thanks to Spin and a series of many other college propaganda videos.

Actually not much has changed, give or take a few elections. I'm still as politically green as I was at 18, but less inclined to fool myself into thinking otherwise (after only watching a handful of videos at least).

Regardless of your political bend, I think you'll still find this collection of uninterrupted satellite feed funny, shocking (and yet somewhat predictable, if that's possible), and bothersome. For the full story on Brian Springer click here. And for more about how he *edited Spin click here.

*In my opinion, editing can be one of the most powerful means to an end. In all his nonobjectiveness (with the raw feed), the way in which he edits the unedited is to be taken into consideration when watching too. After all, Jerry Fallwell? C'mon. Easy peasy, Brian.

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