Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another Message to the Homeless: Fuck You, Eat Shit, Etc..

"Hello, Bad Idea? Meet my good friend, No Idea. I expect you two will hit it off real good-like."

Some might already be well familiar with this gem of a gem, but to me it's a fresh of breath air. So before taking me for a complete lout, please try to make it to the very end of this train wreck:

If this ages as well as doo-wop, we're in for an astonishing treat 50 years from now.

But now, not so much.

I'm sure you elitists reading this are thanking the Gods of Irony above for blessing you and only you with the finest of discernments, and I can't blame you...Not. So. Fast.

It doesn't take a cross of the legs and a dash of a scarf to find this music retched -which it most certainly is - but if you shut your eyes it's really no more foul than something that would stir the heart of a normal suburban 11 year old girl. Or some variation of a psychotic Orlando-area stage mother.

So the disaster lies not just with the music itself, big surprise. There are actually bigger issues with the picture.

This is what one gleans, if you're stupid enough to glean from a music video:

  1. Hobos still look like they did in the 40's.
  2. Orange skin, Anime hair, and scratching tha mahfuckin dope outta air-turntables will most def woo "the bitches", yo.
  3. Here lies a vision of a place where near-lethal doses of recreational drugs will put your head, gestures, ideas, wardrobe, et al....
  4. Some people find madness perversely interesting. Here is sad proof that alot times it is not.
  5. The vague implication that middle class black kids in Old Navy sweaters stalk babes (babes that return his glances)on a beach (with a bizarre addition of the shiny body builder?)could be mistaken for yet another case of Children Raping Adults.
  6. Women love a man who know how fight for camera time.
  7. That this video was pitched not by a living, breathing, my-children-could-go-hungry-any-day now human being, but by some sort of random script generating application on B4-4's manager's fingerprint-stained laptop, after being dropped and marinated in a New Jersey pool polluted with semen, steroids, MDMA and Rohypnols. And then fished out right before the big meeting with the suits.
  8. Leave it to the Yukon to give the world Gay Wiggers. Gee, thanks again Canada.
  9. Magical Viewfinders are usually in the garbage for a reason. If your sadistic goals at addressing homelessness have evolved from setting them on fire to now to merely inspiring them with utter despair, then by all means hand them said Magical Viewfinder That Transports You To Shittier Places. Sunny climes where attractive women go for clueless dipshits that resemble not one, but two, versions of the bully from The Karate Kid and Marisa Tomei graced with a five o'clock shadow and enormous shoulders...

..so, it must be asked:

Who's idea of a fantasy is this anyway?

Escapism is intended to take one's mind away from the realities of their awful situation. Not make it worse.

With all that said, I find the REAL tragedy in not being able to see what ensues after TMV is generously handed off.

