Thursday, January 29, 2009

Brian Eno - "Cindy Tells Me" Tab

I bet this shot you back to learning guitar in middle school. I know it did for me. For some random reason I've listened to Brian Eno's "Cindy Tells Me" and "Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch one-hundred times this week. I cannot stop listening to them.

It felt really great to type in those songs into Google +tab and break out the old acoustic. Man, I really miss my useless-pitch. Screw you and your perfect-pitch, Josh.

Give it a whirl if you haven't pick up your instrument recently.

Strum the actual tabbed chords here.

1 comment:

JP bokusa said...

By far the greatest post ever - those plain dotted lines bring back zillions of middle/high school memories - I only wish I could be so proud of my collection of those guitar-wielding rocking tunes on tab, such as freak on a leash and damnit. But my inferiority complex will always exist against that big black notebook of alphabetically sorted weezer tunes - the best! I salute you, my friend