Friday, December 19, 2008

Also Sprach Zarathustra

When you put aside all the bad "Scary Movie" movies and even worse teen sex-comedies, this piece by Strauss is still badass. Check out this short clip of the movement we all know and take for granted. It's pretty ding-dang-dong moving.



JP bokusa said...

Really good point - it's hard to imagine how many famous recordings are under minded because they match the imagery of a shitty film or even put into a completely different context in a good movie. Funny you posted this one in particular - I'll never forget when you told me that all the music for 2001 was previously composed works - I just couldn't wrap my mind around it - the images and music compliment each other so Perfectly that separating the two seemed to me completely insane

dera frances white said...

i played 2nd violin in a small town symphony with my mom (wtf?) like 13 or 14 years ago... why couldn't we have played this then? i miss that feeling of playing a part in a bigger sound, that overwhelming lump in your throat as the sound swells up around you. this piece does that to me even through youtube.