Friday, January 29, 2010

Moondog - German Years 1977-1999

I've never really given Moondog a chance. Vaguely eccentric recording pseudonym. Legendary life of esoteric mystery. Possibly homeless?

I know Josh has been a fan of this guy for a while (even adding a post to this blog back in the day), so I downloaded this one for its comical (to me) cover. It's been on endless repeat in my headphones lately. The opening track, "Bird's Lament," just served as an epic soundtrack to forming hamburger patties and mandolin-ing potatoes into french fries.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

John Cale - Seducing Down the Door

Now, aside from some of Lou Reed's more notorious solo material, it's taken me a good long time to branch out from the Velvet Underground's discography. But, finally, i've come across a collection of John Cale's solo output which is fantastic in it's variety of style and more than enough to whet the pallet of even the swiftest Ipod song cyclers.
I've had this song on repeat....

Here's the link to the collection:

OOP? Might just post the whole thing if so....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Roches - "Hammond Song"

Something about this track really kills me. I must have listened to it ten-times today. Maybe it's the fact that I was expecting a mere 30-seconds of displeasure before skipping to the next curious band I stumbled across at work, but this one's a sweet, sweet killer.

The Roches are a trio of sisters from 1960's New Jersey and create some pretty resonant harmonies. The song might be a bit longer than necessary (5:46), but reels me back in every time the chorus cycles by with a touch of the Frippertronics. Honestly, how did this group get involved with Robert Fripp in the first place?